Monday, October 30, 2006

Yo beloved gals,

THANK YOU so much rendering your services at Clementi Primary School for these 2 weeks!!! U all have been terrific helpers & the kids are truly blessed by your gentle & loving heart!

Honestly speaking, i can see many of you make good teachers!!!....showing much perseverance...tolerance..& unconditional love for the kids despite their cheekiness.;). All of us have been children before and can easily identify with their "little mischief".It's natural (or rather pure innocence) for them to behave that way;)

The few hours u have spent with the kids would leave a deep impression in them:
"There r so many "je je" who love and care for me....& simply accept me as who i am".

& I am proud of u all too!!!

Ms Wong (aka Auntie Fui Yen):p

(1 John 3:18 " Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." )

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